Ferrari on the Green Cavallino Classic- A trip to Wonderland? | Chasing ...

Please note: All Proceeds of this video will go to UNHCR, to help those affected by the war in the UKRAINE Ferrari on the Green Cavallino Classic - A trip to Wonderland? | Chasing the Apex, So you know our Good Buddy Bill Eason from Eason Autoworks, well, somehow the Porsche Guy got invited to hang out with the Wealthy of Wealthy, while showing a Ferrari on the Cavallino Classic Green; so what's he do, in this video Bill put direct input into the editing, and honestly while it took a little longer to produce what an amazing experience it was to edit with him. Ladies, Gentlemen, I present you with Bill Eason, on the Green with a Ferrari! Thanks for Watching Chasing the Apex, You'll also note, all proceeds from this video will go those in the Ukraine, displaced or otherwise, so please do share this, because every view matters. My instagram My twitter (nobody follows) My writing (when I get around to it) And why not a Ferrari Link, just because @ferrari #ferrari #Catalino #Florida #richpeople
