Girl Test Drive and Impressions of the GT4

Girl Test Drive Impressions of the GT4 - Susan and @Pat's Garage Online Test the 981 GT4. Okay, so we finally had the opportunity to get Susan's impressions, you guys know her, you guys love her, and her and Pat took my GT4 for a test drive one early morning while Pat was visiting from back east. Honestly I was surprised that Susan wen't this way, and this is her opinion, not mine. But I thought Susan Loves, i mean loves cars, and she's pretty unbiased, so I thought, okay, you guys ask my about the GT4, versus Evora GT alot. You guys always get the same answer from me, so let's get an unbiased perspective from our very own Lady Canyon Rat, besides, who doesn't like seeing a Girl Test Drive and impressions? It's also been a very long time, since Susan took out the Evora, so let's keep that in mind in this video. So what's a Girl's impressions her Test Drive of the Porsche 981 GT4? So bold and unafraid they ventured into the wild...... I thought the response was pretty interesting, Let's find out, I was surprised. If you want to see Pat's Impressions, you can do that here! If you feel like it, here's my other Social Media Links
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