No replacement for displacement, I hate that term, I just do. Unless you have access to a Airline strip, or you Drag, at one point does someone realize that there's more to driving than just Horsepower? Mind you I love high Horsepower cars, but I'm not going to spend a great deal of time bickering online like I'm a 13 year old over stats. I'm a Driver, and I can assure you there is a replacement for displacement with Sports Cars, and it's skill. Mid corner, at Apex, with maximum lateral 'G's please explain to me how a vehicle doing 200 MPH Matters? It doesn't, and I'll argue all day long every day, that a FAST CAR, does not make a fast driver. Thank you all for watching, and thanks so much for all you long time viewers, I know I look alot like Uncle Fester, and the reality is I'm kind of the Anti Youtuber, I can't even imagine two million views! That's absolutely BONKERS! You guys did that, and I'm ever so humbled. Anyways, that's kind of my anti rant about comparing cars by specs alone. my instagram if you feel like watching me take random photos
Doing a bit of blogging on medium here
My twitter nobody follows :p
