PORSCHE CAYMAN GT4 REVIEW: Is The GT4 the Missing link?

The Porsche Cayman GT4 may very well be the missing link and we'll find out in this review, Porsche may shot out to create an unparralled Driving Experience with the GT4 in this Review, we'll take the Cayman GT4, and put it through it's paces, lets find out what kind of Emotion Porsche can create; is it hype? Or is it the Holy Grail of Modern Driver's cars, Is the Porsche Cayman GT4 something of myth? Is it more Car Manufacturer Flash? Or is the Cayman GT4 what every Review says it is? Absolutely Spectacular? I was almost completely speachless in this Porsche Review, and you guys know me, I can talk about water running in the sink. Here, the Cayman GT4 Left me breathless. Edit: I mistakenly misquoted the specs on this as a 718, I've added the correction for a 981, my apologies for the misquote! Thanks @Innova Energy Services for the catch and the correction! Porsche Cayman GT4 Specifications Engine type Flat 6, 24 valve Power 385 ps (380 bhp / 283 kw) @ 7400 rpm Torque 419 Nm (309 lb-ft) This Porsche Cayman GT4 Provided for this review by YC AutoGroup: https://www.ycautogroup.com/
#Cayman #porschecayman #caymangt4 #GT4 #GT4Review Music Help You Out (ft. Jonathon Robins) by Leonell Cassio https://soundcloud.com/leonellcassio
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2JiBzMv
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/hDCwRot8NWs
